Tuesday, October 30, 2007
I'll never sleep in the MTR again... >.<
it's because i WAS SLEEPING @#$%^ *&^$#@
I should have just read my book all along.... and show the "better" side of mine ma!!!!!!
*Alright i know it's kinda funny when i look back, but i am totally totally not expect to run into him on the way to work as he spse to WALK to work daily - taking MTR today just b/c he has to go to China for biz trip*
geez.. no luck XD
mood swing...
but then what's it????????????????????????????????????????
but of course, i know it's not going to happen...
but in reality life is bitter anyway
hmmm... i think i'll go crazy when i start sitting home and do nothing in the next few weeks.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
FW: horoscope vs. ur loved one.... (appledaily)
(well, i think only 50/50 true je) hahahahaha just another reference loh.. jhohoh
星座露底 摸透情人
一個人的優點,同時是他的缺點,聽來矛盾,卻也有其道理。例如凡事有主見的人,他也容易流於固執;對別人不斤斤計較,就難免自己也隨便起來,做事得過且過。今日就看看各星座性格中隱藏了的缺點;讓你全面掌握愛人或工作上夥伴的優缺點 知己知彼,百戰百勝啊!
金牛座 - 固執死撐不認錯
金牛座以固執馳名,當他認為自己是對的,便絕不輕易改變,更自以為 IQ 及 EQ 高人一等。就算結果錯了,還是死撐,不肯認錯。
白羊座 - 自以為是太可笑
雙子座 - 虛有其表扮晒
雙子座只會做對自己有利的事,並且用盡方法掩飾其不足,又喜歡「借用」他人 idea ,跟他相處日久,自會發現他虛有其表;一切只因他缺乏安全感。
巨蟹座- 怕人中傷乜都記
獅子座 - 讚美至聽
處女座 - 最緊要家開心
天秤座 - 永遠失衡的秤子
天蠍座 - 疑心重又小器
人馬座 - 軟皮蛇沒骨氣
山羊座 - 墨守成規野心大
對付方法:享受他給你的生活情趣,但時不時要回報一下,這樣大家 Happy,又一日。
水瓶座 - 我行我素走精面
雙魚座 - 混淆現實與幻想
Saturday, October 27, 2007
it's here it's here!!!!!
Updates updates...
just want to jog down some random misc. stuffs...
(side note: probably spent too much on books!!! also got another book Completing in a Flat World by the Li & Fung's brother.. think will be quite interesting~~)
need to catch up some studies tomorrow... :P
alright i'll stop.. .it's 0338 and i better get some sleep - then get up and go to the post office before it closes at 1300 :D
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
i think i realize what the problem is...
while u're in my every single "phrase" of my "spring autumn big dream", i see your version is only "you"....
that's the reason why "it's not clicking" yet, neither's fault, just, "not matching...
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Concert Review: Miriam's All About Love 2007
with the recent canton pop female singers i like miriam all along - as a person i think she's very "real" in many occasions, and also her songs are very k-able ma~ :P I didn't realize it has been THREE yrs since her last concert (i think i went to that one as well)... i'm surprised there's quite some songs i don't know (probably before my days in HK)... but in overall i think the concert has been well planned, many new ideas / figures / fresh feelings (Including half an hr game show in between - look under your chair to see if you've been "tagged" for free watches!) hahaha.
well although i didn't win any watches I did enjoy a lot :) i still have no clue what's the hair stylists are sponsoring for the dancers' hair designs - as practically the wear hat all the time!? hahahaha.. and oh, i think one of the best part is this:

koo is so cute hohohohohohohoho XD
One things after miriam changed her company is that - she didn't LAUGH THAT HARD as much anymore - oh, and not to mention, she talks like Leon (xxx - depends on "yuen"...)
did have fun... thanks for yekini always being there and go to show together :) next time i won't shout that loud!! hahahaa
Sunday, October 07, 2007
失 戀 症 候 群?
墮入愛河的男女,愛得癡纏,愛得轟烈。然而一旦失戀,就好像世界末日。如果當戀 情消逝,你仍抓緊不放手,整天沉醉於緬懷昔日的甜蜜,不停思想分手的原由,並拒絕發展新的戀情等這些徵兆,那麼你便有可能患上「非君不要」失戀症候群了。以下的測驗可讓你知道自己對失戀所持的態度是否健康。
1. 到現時為止,曾交往過的男友有三個以上 。
是 → 3
否 → 2
2. 工作上(包括兼職)沒有試過持續一年或以上。
是 → 5
否 → 6
3. 有參加影迷會或有支持偶像。
是 → 4
否 → 7
4. 買衣服時總是猶豫不決。
是 → 10
否 → 11
5. 能夠接受朋友的伴侶。
是 → 8
否 → 9
6. 愛侶跟其他異性一起會妒忌。
是 → 9
否 → 10
7. 分手多是無聲無息。
是 → 9
否 → 11
8. 拍拖的時候你是經常主動約會對方的那個。
是 → 12
否 → 13
9. 喜歡賺人熱淚的小說及電影。
是 → 12
否 → 13
10. 很少異性朋友 。
是 → 13
否 → 15
11. 目前,除了戀愛還有其他夢想。
是 → 15
否 → 14
12. 相信命運安排。
是 → A
否 → B
13. 開始新戀情之前,會跟前男/女友比較。
是 → B
否 → C
14. 有時會想起舊男/女友。
是 → C
否 → D
15. 戀愛多次也沒有問題。
是 → D
否 → C
A. 認定一人
你對戀愛抱有非常「純 潔」的憧憬,認定這是命中注定、「非君不要」的戀情,所以不能接受失戀的事實,並認定對方是生命中最好並唯一的情人,常緬懷過去。
藥方:要放開胸懷,認識多些不同性格的異性朋友,由普通朋友開始,讓自己對其他異性發生興趣 。
B. 舊情難忘
當 戀愛結束後,雖然你會很理智地忘記戀情,重新開始,只是當新戀人出現後,你又會想起舊情人,甚至對新戀情抱有罪疚感,覺得對不起以前的男/女友。
C. 偶爾失神
對 於擁有豐富戀愛經驗的你,在處理失戀時能夠表現理性,馬上收拾情緒積極地發展新的戀情。但說到底都只是頭腦上明白,稍一不留神便想起舊情人的種種。
D. 重蹈覆轍
你 是完全不介意失戀的。你認為失戀後,便應該馬上四出找機會發展新的戀情。然而,由於缺乏反省及對愛情的激情不足,每次失戀都不斷重蹈覆轍。病情嚴重程度: ★
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Another post for my dinner tonite....
so ANYWAY, here's what i'd tonite:
- Potatoes - just boiled, flavor with garlic salt, italian mixed herbs
- Chicken filet - pan fried with olive oil, similar seasoning as potatoes, adding a bit more black pepper
- Sweet peas - boiled
oh, wait, that isn't quite yet done, this is the "done" version:
hahaha... time to sharpen my cookery skill again :D
Thursday, October 04, 2007
become dumper...
OH NO!! what to do now?? i think it's b/c i keep playing a "relaxing" NDS game, and not doing enough brain training (er... not to mention the ppl working aroud w/ now)....
i really need to study more.... read more, and play nds.... V_V
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
weird dreams - test subj??
Dream of the day - Test Subj...
Last nite i dreamed that i was a "medical testing subj" - testing" a new medicine or sth...
wakakakkakakakaka, alright, it's indeed kinda funny XD