Saturday, October 28, 2006
Hawaii? Thailand????
anyway, let's see! :P on the other hand i may just go by myself and visit my dear lovely sis :DDDD
Friday, October 27, 2006
Farewell to my dear boss~~~
So went to company's farewell dinner for my boss - hmm... mixed feelings... Of course w/ all those crowds around it's just like another annual dinner at such... OH WELL... anyway, so my boss is leaving on Sat for Houston.
As a friend I'm very happy for him and his family to have a better life in the States. I understand that's what he & his family is looking for after all these years around the globe.
From the professional point of view though - I mean, new boss looks okay cool, but then of course it won't be anything like the way you've been working with the other one for the last 3 years - and DO NOT DARE to expect anything similar... so the "future" is still cloudy - and I'm not too sure if it'll ever be cleared??
the feeling is like... u know, like u're on the way home and all of a sudden the street lamp went out - even though you're so familiar w/ the road you walk every day, but you're still a bit "insecure", u know what I mean?
I just want to make sure I won't change into the working donkey type but instead still remain the "decision making" part if u know what I mean!?
all along I think I make myself to feel more on the personal level > professional level - feeling happy for a good friend heading for a better future is A LOT BETTER than the feeling of losing a good boss/mentor/friend...
He's the one who actually gear me into this business world. The tolerance & opportunities he had given is no way any other individual can be compared with in my last 6 yrs of experience. He's the my first "MBA" teacher and I'll never forget the same. I know that the next time I'm heading to the States I'll definitely make it all the way to meet my "boss" & his family, and I'm quiet sure we'll meet again, so don't wanna make it too depress or anything.
Once again I'm taking personal feeling > professional "behavior"... I know I shouldn't be, yet still feel very sad - as a friend, AND a good boss, is leaving :~(
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Doraemon Marathron
so SOMEONE sent me a link of doraemon on youtube early in the morning - which determined my Sunday's activity! hahahaha... i just can't stopped watching different episodes for the whole morning, and then i watched THREE movies:
- 多啦A夢之大雄與風之使者
Official Site: Nobita & the Wind Master (2003) - 多啦A夢 天方夜譚 and
Official Site: Nobita's Dorabian Nights (1991) - 大雄的恐龍 2006 Doraemon Movie 2006
Official Site: のび太の恐竜2006
Oh i also found 3 parts that's called the "Ending"... terribly sad, but a okay good ending. I think most of my friends in my "generation" just grown up with Doraemon - so if you're like me - a die hard Doraemon fans, you may also wanna chk out their official site - or, simply go YouTube as well :D - and I definitely don't mind to "reload" the next part every 10 min - afterall it's Doraemon :D
Hey, thanks vince :)
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Psy Test: How long you'll be "bored" w/ your other half?
Thursday, October 19, 2006
But then it's just so hurt and so difficult...
feel like shit (i know, shit happens ah ma).... another friend of my SMS me and tell me it's still not too late to go downstairs and get some food to "switch the focus" woh - there's always something that "food" doesn't help - and not to mention, i've already did it earlier by getting my favorite ICE-CREAM b/c i felt shit earlier already
"i won't discuss this for now"
as you said, FINE, we'll never discuss anything between us anymore. i know it's gonna to end but was hoping (hoping too much!!) that it could have ended in a better way
stupid guy!!!
How much my Blog is worth?!
My blog is worth $2,822.70.
How much is your blog worth?
Just don't say it if you don't meant it!
Venue / Time: According to YOUR SCHEDULE!
SO WHY, in the first place, just someone tell me why, make a "promise" that you can never keep - and breaking the same over and over again?
Thousands of excuses I can think of why you can't keep your words - but i'm also tired of myself finding excuses for YOU - and those empty promises you've made...
Men are from Mars, women are from Venus - they just never understand - you can say whatever whatever - but when it comes to PROMISE, it's just totally another level - AND it's WORSE that you break your purpose - a LOT worse than not making any promise at the beginning!!!!
Disappointment is a result of expectation. Maybe i'm expecting too much - maybe i'm just expecting "too much" from you to keep your words....
maybe i'm just thinking too much.........
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Pre-Birthday Dinner for my eating bud :D
anyway, it doesn't really matter i spse. We went to Outback (haven't have steak for SO LONG!!!!) and - i mean, it's just a "safer" choice - i don't wanna end up ruinning the nite by some crappy food / service and things like that (you know i'm FAMOUS of complaining all these during a meal!!) hahahaha... we had steak - it's okay - juicy, yummy :D just the portion is a bit too much *LOL* and ended w/ a CHEESECAKE~~ YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM *LOL* wanna have awesome blossome (those fried onion) but it's only 2 of us, come on XD
Well, i'll post picts later (don't know where the connection cord is... photos are in phone)... (and it's alreayd 01:39... have to get up at 05:30 for Canton Fair) @_@''' ANYWAY, just had a GREAT time w/ my eating buddy - as usual - and that i don't think the "eating environment" is that important anymore - as long as food is "average" (and NOT crappy) - it's good enough - and just have a great time together :D
*and now i shall start to think what to have for MY birthday* hohohoohoohohoho
Thursday, October 12, 2006
For those Nintendo fans
任 天 堂 廣 告 香 港 取 景 揚 威 海 外日 本 任 天 堂 電 子 遊 戲 機 不 少 港 人 由 細 玩 到 大 , 該 公 司 對 香 港 似 乎 頗 有 感 情 , 選 擇 在 香 港 拍 攝 宣 傳 王 牌 遊 戲 《 孖 寶 兄 弟 》 的 廣 告 , 百 多 名 小 學 生 在 尖 沙 嘴 厚 福 街 、 銅 鑼 灣 時 代 廣 場 外 奔 跑 跳 躍 , 又 在 中 區 鬧 市 、 地 鐵 車 頂 橫 衝 直 撞 , 誓 要 搶 先 購 買 新 款 遊 戲 , 這 廣 告 曾 奪 得 多 個 獎 項 , 可 惜 從 未 在 香 港 播 出
Nintendo-School's Out-Making Of
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Edmond Concert
Anyway, luckily my friend remind me that we've a date last nite - it's Edmond's "I love kitchen concert" hmm... Edmond... how to say? he's never my all time favorite favorite - but then definitely i think he can REALLY SING - and he's one of those male singers whom i'll buy the original CD (okay, well, not the latest one) haha...
but anyway, his weird circus feel difficult performance is covered up w/ his SEXY dancing (wahahaha), AND OF COURSE, his TALENTED piano skill - hahaha, BOTTOM line is WONDERFUL SONGS, WITH SEXY LOOK - AND 3 HRS - what can you say?!
anyway, i like the way he sings :) (and all ppl whose name start with "e" is just plain COOL~~~ hahahahaha~ and the concert end at 23:30 with a sea of "stars" (alright, i know it's not that "cool idea" anymore but oh well, still pretty :)
GOOD SHOW~~ just need that and just right in place for the hectic life lately
Monday, October 02, 2006
Purdue vs.Notre Dame Football Game
didn't really remember much, memories do get fuzzy- fuzzier and fuzzier as time goes, but do remember all was fun - and today - not the BEST fun, but glad to have ah rich to be there so i didn't fall asleep hahahahaha :)
ha, maybe i should really think about going to watch the Purdue game in hawaii later this yr :P