Wednesday, March 08, 2006

FW: 7 Characteristics of women leaders...

Was reading CW's blog and found one of the news clips talking about 女性領袖七大特質:

必 備 的 特 質 (1-3) & 領 袖 特 質 (4-7):

  1. 有 遠 見
  2. 顧 全 大 局
  3. 聰 明 智 慧
  4. 做 事 靈 活 變 通
  5. 願 意 承 擔
  6. 胸 襟 廣 闊
  7. 知 人 善 任
well I'm not quite sure about if I'm #1; and #2 I really seldom consider (fight fight fight, complains complains complains!!!!) hahaha..... I don't think I'm #3, nor #4... #5 okay gae (except that i'm blogger now as i worked until midnite last nite)... but then I'm a typical Scorpio so can't do #6, and also the jealousy part of a typical Scorpio couldn't really practice #7

probably that explain why I'm not a successful leader :PPP kekekekee... *and better not let my boss read the above (even though he might know it deep down!) hahahahahaha*

alright alright, let me print it out and post it on my cubicle as a reminder XD

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
