Friday, June 10, 2005

TV Episode - Chong Sai Kei

So in the last few months whenever I'm in HK I'll stay up until 1-ish (am) to watch a TV re-run - Chong Sai Kei - when it first aired I wasn't in HK (I think I was in Purdue)? so for me it's the first time I watched this...

as a matter of fact I heard from somewhere that this is one of the "most-popular" midnight re-run for a long time...

so tonight's episode is talking about how Chow Siu Fan recover some of her memory (she lost her memory due to a car accident)... the part that kinda 'catch' me is that she remember the "good" moments she had w/ Yip Wing Tim (Law Ka Leung). I don't know what exactly happened to make them separate (I think I missed the show when I was in Korea back in April??) Nevertheless the POINT is that she can only remember the "sweet time / feeling" that she's w/ him... but then Law Ka Leung told her that actually they don't really have a good ending so separated... actually her current bf is Cheung Chi Lak (Kuo Tin Lok). They love each other so much that she had done so much & scarfice for him but now she had no clue whom he's...

Well so, I think that is kinda similar to all these online journal / or even all the "Dear dairy" thing - so many silly stupid things I've jot down, but then forget all the "daily" stuffs... Yet I think it wouldn't be a bad idea if one can choose what to remember & what to "delete" from the "hard disc" deep down, just like Chow Siu Fan...

Always have a thought - to be something like... what's that movie w/ Arnold in? That technology can erase "part" of your memory... of your choice. You can have the option to erase certain individual... for the "good" part of the memories (as "good" always led to "bad" on the other side)...

ah, yes, it is "Total Recall"

Anyway, I think I've watched too many movies / soap opera. Afterall soap opera is soap opera, it must exaggerate so much from real life in order to keep its audience...
i'm just glad i've what i've now - and luckily most of the stuffs i "remember" are the "good" parts (and bad parts tend to "forget"), guess it isn't bad then?!


Jasper222 said...

Just posted it from appledaily today (5/17/05)

至 潮 鈴 聲 通 街 響
52 萬 添 迷 深 宵 追 捧 羅 嘉 良

近期TVB 半夜重播羅嘉良主演的百集長劇《創世紀》,此劇五年前首播時收視平平,想不到翻炒竟獲逾五十萬觀眾深宵狂煲,令該時段廣告收益激增百分之二十,同時也令嘉良人氣再升,總算不枉當年他花足近年時間嘔心瀝血的拍攝。

由羅嘉良、古天樂、陳錦鴻、郭可盈和陳慧珊等主演的百集長劇《創世紀》及《創世紀II 天地有情》,劇中飾演地產大亨葉榮添一角的羅嘉良當年連續拍足十一個月,雖然捱到金睛火眼,惜五年前播出時收視未如理想,想不到近期半夜重播《創》劇竟吸引大批觀眾勁煲,平均收視高達八點即約五十二萬觀眾,更帶挈 TVB 在同時段的廣告收益激增百分之二十,而嘉良所唱的劇集主題曲還成為最潮電話鈴聲之一。

對於當年《創》劇未奪佳績,五年後翻炒卻吐氣揚眉,近期人氣急升的嘉良日前在九龍城接受訪問時說:「當年真係拍到嘔心瀝血,係好有誠意去拍 。但係氣候問題 back then , 九七金融風暴後,大家對好多都好擔心,可能係咁,所以唔想睇 heavy 劇。 家經濟好番, 半夜咁靜時間睇會好易投入。」
訪問當日,不少街坊都主動問嘉良《創》劇劇情,可見長篇劇確帶起追看熱潮,嘉良對此說:「好有滿足感,好意外,都冇諗過咁夜會咁多人睇,D 人成日問我最後會同邊個一齊,我諗 TVB 應該搞番個慶功。」

葉榮添在前半段的性格火爆衝動,處於亦正亦邪之間,當年嘉良演繹葉榮添近一年,問他當時會否將葉榮添帶回家中?他即笑說:「唔知道,要問我老婆至知,盡量就唔好帶佢返屋企啦。但始終拍十一個月,唔可能唔似佢呢個人,好彩時我太太有BB ,會令我有另一種愛心。」
嘉良又揚言也很喜歡葉榮添這個角色,他說:「基本上佢唔係壞人,係非常穩重,冇yeh 難倒佢,唯一難倒佢係真情。」

Jasper222 said...

So today (July 12-13) is the last episode of the series... kinda "relief" (as I don't have to stay up for it any longer!) and at the same time grateful the TVB writer make it some what a "good/happy ending"...

(although i think it's kinda weird that Liza Cher end up w/ her driver (who happens to kinda look like Law Ka Ying!) hahaha... AND that both Law Ka Leung & Kwok Ho Ying STILL SINGLE and waiting for each other after TEN YEARS...)

Anyhow, i guess "watch movie never question the movie"... XDDD

it ends at yr 2010... now already half way toward 2010... ha, i wonder what it'll be like FOR ME in yr 2010..