Friday, March 16, 2012

FW: 內心的準備 - end of my MBA

Toward the end of my MBA life, yes, still have TWO MORE electives to go @_@, but last core class will end next Monday - after that, many buddies will head back to their own life, just like before we started 2 yrs ago. 

I do understand it's "part of the deal," and understand some of our life's "cross path" won't just end right there, but deep down still "sadden" to leave this part of my life - we saw each other AT LEAST twice a wk in the last 18 months, celebrated and "cut" NUMEROUS birthday cakes, as well as celebrating mid-autumn fest, cny's eve, Valentine's day (HAHA) and many other festivals together (by no choice but just class), HAHAHA....

Not to mention with numerous PPT, ESSAYS, Case StudieS, presentationS, examS, sending me next day's reading assignments just b/c i lost my copy in the laundry (HAHAHAH) / forget it next to my bed, or simply the same was eaten by Elvin!!!!! (and more than once! HAHAHA).... McDonald's chicken McNuggetS, Starbucks' cheesepocketS, Pacific Coffee's Buy-1-get-1Free, Hot PotS, kS, drinkS....

also with FightS (i did have some STUPID SILLY KID type of "war" w/ classmates that ended in tears more than once OMG), hugS (but no, no kissES LOL), many many others....

Without the head start w/ Chris, and his last email to us, i wouldn't be ready for the last 18 mths; my 6 senses, Steph, Howard, Anita, Billy, Jan, Harry and Stephen, each taught me something "different" in life (haha, although they may not know!).   Together with many others, I know maybe as the article said, many things i may have overlooked / "not ready" and missed, i do feel LUCKY annd BLESSED that it just happened our life did cross each other in some pt.

Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same.  I'm REALLY grateful, to get to know them, thanks, for filling my MBA life w/ laughters and tears. Thanks for taking me in and took good care of me, thanks, for being my 親密戰友 the whole time, i never feel 孤獨 with you around (even at time when elvin tear off / eat up my notes!) LOL

I sure will miss this part of my life a lot.   Understood can't look back all the time, and it's about time (if not too late) to look ahead.....

Looking forward to the drinks gathering after last class next Monday - a closing 序幕 for my MBA life...







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