Monday, June 07, 2010

A relaxing (and marvelous) wkend!! :D

So, i couldn't insist on my "瀟灑" and ruled by the heart for the whole wkend since Friday! *LOL*

Anyway didn't do much during Sat. - catch up some sleep as usual!! *LOL* Did go out dinner w/ Marco & Ken to con't the tutoring centre discussion. I think we'll "go" for it, just a matter of putting things down (and pay)...

Next "Board Meeting" is on Sunday, will see how that goes...

and for Sunday I did get up "early" b/c a machine phone call from 3 V_V~ Don't you just hate phone service provider's cold call?!?! grrrrrrrrrr~~ Anyway, so FINALLY i did vaccum my place! WAKAKAKAKAKAKa, and done loads of laundry as usual (don't understand how in the world i've so much laundry to do every wk - although, i don't mind as doing laundry is one of my favorites housework!) kakakakkakaa)... SO ANYWAY, was thinking to meet up w/ yoyi -> Kim but "last minute" arrangement so missed meeting yoyi... *oops* OH well....

While bringing Elvin for a walk around 2ish (before i go out!) found that the weather is just so marvelous that i couldn't resist to bring him for a little walk by the harbor :) Ha, although the walk was cut short XDDDDDD

After tea @ MK went to Kim's for dinner - felt very speical as i'm the only one having dinner w/ her and her parents (LOL) i guess kim cher isn't that mad at me! kekekekeke~~ seeing her w/ her parents reminds me i haven't have dinner w/ mom for a long time lor @_@''''

Oh WELL~~~

Take off early and got home around 11-ish (yes, kim's place is way too far out! *LOL*) Oh, wkend is just way too short!! we should all have a THREE days wkend! *LOL*

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