Monday, February 22, 2010


how annoying that suddenly some stupid spam appears again on my blog - and on some of the very old post (like back in 2005!) er.. i think i "let go" a few in the past but NOPE, not tonite! *LOL*

so i went through the email notification and deleted the stupid AV ad (4 in a row!) yet, make me read back some of the old blogs (Tonite's treat... Marques Casa Concha, London Terrorist Attack, Scorpio or not and APM)

Quite interesting to "refresh" my memories... those were the good old days....

maybe it's time for me to write more again, at least i've something to read 10 yrs from now *LOL*

1 comment:

WittyBB said...

well. i received like 10+ unknonwn calls in 2 days. the caller id was turned off and i felt annoyed. luckily, the calls stopped after 2 days. - WittyBB