Tuesday, March 11, 2008


soooo busy at work today (payback for not coming to work during wkend).... so exhausted that i don't even have to think of anything... which is good i guess... well, guess i'm just not the "multi-tasking" type of brain as i can only focus on 1 thing at a time??

well, not until i'm on the way home lor... but anyway, thanks for dear friend to have dinner w/ even after her exhausting class (oh, not to mention i didn't make it to class today.. *Sigh.. not b/c of whatever is bothering me (come on....) just work....

also thanks for 'bill gor' bare w/ me and let me bs... u'r right, indeed after you triggered i did indeed feel better.... well... i feel... at least i feel a bit better than Sunday..

life still goes on, no problem...