結局篇明年初出爐 兩主角將喪生羅林暗示哈利波特會死
這 一 回 , 甚 麼 神 奇 魔 法 、 魔 幻 咒 語 也 救 不 了 哈 利 波 特 ( Harry Potter ) ! 風 靡 全 球 的 魔 法 童 書 《 哈 利 波 特 》 系 列 , 作 者 羅 林 ( J.K. Rowling ) 首 次 開 腔 透 露 , 大 結 局 將 有 兩 名 主 角 死 去 , 更 強 烈 暗 示 哈 利 波 特 可 能 難 逃 一 死 , 還 說 這 樣 一 個 結 果 令 「 將 來 沒 有 人 可 以 續 寫 故 事 」 。 如 果 羅 林 真 的 狠 心 殺 死 「 哈 仔 」 , 全 世 界 千 千 萬 萬 的 「 哈 迷 」 , 肯 定 傷 心 欲 絕 !....
Harry Potter Harry Potter... after all these yrs it's going to end... yeah, at the very beginning all of us know that it's going to end at Vol. 7 ...... just feel kinda weird when it comes to the end...
The Books:
Still remember buying book 1 & 2 after Dirk's HIGHLY recommendation... got so crazy that can't wait book 3 to come out in HK bookstore so buy it online and shipped ALL the way from UK (my gosh, that S&H is soooo expensive!!) hahahaha... book 4 & 5 get a little fuzzy (what'd happened?!!?) just remember got book 6 from last yr's book exhibition...
The Movies:
I think all the movies are worse than the books itself. ha, maybe i'm just a reading person!? (nah, i doubt it)...
- Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001) @ Admiralty w/ those newsgroup ppl (and they DID dress up!), oh ha, w/ Uarzen too...
- Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002) @ Festival Walk (actually went with the group too but got to a pt they're a bit too much to be around with... XD)
- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) @ Amsterdam (my first EU trip hahaa!)
- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) in Hong Kong, but already lost track where exactly i watched it XD
Not to mention starting the first harry potter newsgroup in Hong Kong *wow, i feel so "proud" for that* wakakakaka... actually i never really go there anymore - just being CDR and go delete posts once every 3 months or so.... hahaha
The Rest:
Does it count that I still use Hedwig the owl as my ICQ nick? haha... of course not to mention HP bookmarks (even though i lost the Owl one that I LOVE) :( I think i got somewhere some HP stationary (super crazy!) and some other HP related books i got when i was in Taiwan :P
still a yr to go before book 7 to come out.... from thinking ppl are crazy lining up overnight outside Barnes & Nobles, to become as crazy as any one of them, to now more see it with a "平常心" (i mean, i'm still a fans but not like super crazy, u know)... ... I mean, 十年人事幾番新, I'm not sure how much I've changed... maybe I'm more a movie person rather than a book person, maybe I just care a lot less for things & ppl i used to care...
maybe my memory just fade away as I get older! ha, i'll just all blame it to TIME...
Anyway, looking forward to Book 7 - as it all comes to an end!