Sunday, December 18, 2005

Movies Review: The Promise & Perhaps Love

So haven't watch movie in HK since like Aug and all of a sudden watched 2 movies in a row last week - well, not that they're some REAL good movie, just that have friends came back for the holiday and for them it's like watching a HK / Chinese movies in theatre is a MUST on their things to do in HK list :P so why not?! :)

Anyway, watched The Promise (無極) on Thursday (12/15) and Perhaps Love (如果‧愛) on Friday (12/16)

For The Promise - let's put it this way, definitely NOT my cup of tea. It suppose to have VERY GOOD CG (spent like a WHOLE BUNCH of $ on the visual effect) (to be exact 投資高達3億4千萬人民幣, filmed for 3 whole years) - but to me, the story itself just not GOOD - okay, it suppoes to be "fantasy" type of movie, but just filled with "laughable" place (like 張東健 ran like a speedyman or sth?! MY GOSH)..... and the story itself is incomplete! like what in the world is 滿神? if not she "appear" the whole story won't be there - yet in the story itself doesn't mention anything about what type of God she's.

Overall comment - just not my cup of tea - yes, the visual effect is "nice", but a bad movie is still a bad movie when it itself doesn't have a good story.... (also, Mr. Nich Tse's acting REALLY sucks.... always pretend he's "stylish).... @.@;;;

Then on Friday (12/16) watched Perhaps Love (如果‧愛) with Jacky Cheun (張學友), Zhou Xun (周迅) & Takeshi Kaneshiro (金城武) (alright, there's also Ji Jin Hee (池珍熙) but i think he's just.... not that necessary in the movie).... Anyway, a lot of musical, lots of dance - yet perhaps i'm not expecting much i think this turns out to be GOOD woh... ha, maybe i don't know much about musical i think it fits in "Okay"... and of course, with handsome Takeshi everything balance out (wakakakakkkakaa)

But seriously i think the story is good.. may not be anything "surprising".... but love story always works - together with a little bit of 悽美 i think most girl will buy :) my friend said it's a bit too long (also 2+ hrs) but i think it's alright....

Jacky's "你是愛我的" - when i first listen to it, felt a bit "overdone"... but after watching the movie kinda "accept" it a lot more..... :)

Probably that's another reason why i went w/ a girl friend for Perhaps Love and went w/ a guy friend for The Promise :)

Next one on the "to watch" movie agenda - Harry Potter 4 (yeah, HK won't show it until 12/22! *sigh*)

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