Wednesday, November 30, 2011

超市趣怪經歷 2011

So last night I’ve 趣怪經歷 and ran into a crazy woman... so i was shopping in Wellcome, and this woman with 2 kids were at the freezer section. (u know those big freezer w/ door size glass door, if you open it it'll have mist all over and can't see a thing)

The mom actually stood there, open the door, (get it all mist) and let one of her kids DRAW on the GLASS!!!!!!!

I stood there (coz can't go through) for like 20 sec until her kid FINISHED his work... can you believe that? (and this is NOT the crazy part yet)

so when they finally closed the door (such that I can walk by) then I said, "小朋友係要教架", the mom, instead of feeling shame, questioned me saying "你又知道我無教? 你見唔到就等於無教架啦?"

"我真係見唔到囉" (我心諗阿師奶,你有教就唔會開埋門俾佢畫畫啦吓嘩。。。好心啦,塊玻璃都唔會乾淨得去邊)

I didn't even stopped by and keep pushing my cart, and that lady is asking her son "XX,話俾呢個 Auntie 聽我有無教你”, and she turned and said to me "係教都唔係係度教,亦唔係你教。。。

(我諗,都係),所以我話 "塊玻璃唔乾淨都唔應該俾小朋友掂啦" (其實,我介意佢整污糟塊玻璃多D)


i was already at the end of the isle, actually, I don't care what the kid's answer... and i don't really care what she's insulting me... how can a kid be a responsible person if his mom is acting like that?

and what is even MORE crazy, when I was lining up at the cashier, that lady got her mobile out and took a pict of me (荒死人唔知佢電話可以影相,亦好似要教訓我話我聽佢有我張相咁,呀師奶,你唔係以為我會怕你攞住我張相上網唱通街嘛??

I wasn't bothered until she is very 得戚 and said she got my pict, so I said, "你知唔知我可以告你侵犯我私隱?" (其實應該係毀謗)so I took a pict of her (and the kids) and said, "我想話俾你知唔係得你個電話有相機可以影相"

and then she was swearing on the way out (i don't even know what she's saying)... ppl these days... 惡人先告狀! also 這樣嘅身教,唔奇得D小朋友嘅價值觀有問題啦!

我亦想講,網上人肉搜查唔難,唔好話我 quite fully attached on the cyberspace, 佢亦可以好容易做到,之不過我唔會咁做。我只確得 right at the beginning the act she took her phone out to take a pict of me is VERY WRONG - 點解佢覺得咁做係啱/可以解決問題/保護到佢自己??(而 the rational behind me taking her pict is really to "protect/defend" myself)... I THINK it's different...

P.S. those kids aren't young, at least primary 3 or 4 ga la! Aiii…..


karine said...

Wow!! What a drama! The mom acted quite immature in front of her kids... hmm
Parents should correct the misconducts right away if they claim they do discipline/teach their kids?!

WittyBB said...

假如是我⋯我會、壓沉D把聲;好寸咁講:唔該借借。然後推車前行。pass through 之後,就回轉身搖頭回望。wittybb