Monday, May 17, 2010

a busy day...

have been planned for the day for like a WHOLE WK - but nope, still not as planned b/c Elvin is sick and NO Dr.'s appt until 15:30

:( was pretty upset about it, but afterall, still has to take Elvin as the priority....

for elvin's, the infection part is kinda "expected", i'm kinda annoyed that the Dr. doesn't know why he lost his appetite (the Dr. himself said the infection shouldn't affect that)... i think it's kinda "irresponsible" that they just change his food from dry to can food (just afraid that he'll no longer eat the dry stuffs!).... grrrr... actually tonite he starts eating those alternative organic food - just won't touch the Hills

it's a new bag just ordered like 2 days ago.. what i'm going to do w/ it @_@

anyway, as long as Mr. Elvin the Boss is eating i guess that's nothing else i should be complaining *LOL*... need to take him back for inspection next Sunday..... OH WELL... finger cross all is fine....

after taking elvin home got changed and head to MK rite away... for the movie Let the Right One In? Ten thousand "not wanted to watch la"!!! OH WELL, yet turn out it wasn't as bad as the trailer (LOL) actually it's kinda boring from time to time - and afterall - cher, just tell me it's a vampire movie lor! wakakakkakakakakaka there's some scenes that freak the heck out of me V)V and i mean, it's kinda disturbing they're talking about "kids" love (@ 12 / 13 yrs old.. i mean, come on.. i'm not interested seeing them like naked or anything)....

i guess once in a while u just have to watch sth difference, haha :P

then head to Yata for the French Press - actually, it didn't take that long - already have the target and just pay pretty much (someone is chking the quality for me anyway!) haha, never feel shopping as "easy" XDDDDDDDDD

Dinner was fine.. i mean, considering w/ that price range it's okay... the only bad thing is that they don't have tiramisu, coffee isn't strong enough @_@, and ha, they DO kinda kick you out @ 23:00 (er.. it's about time! come on!)


it's very comfy to being around w/ Virgo, always feel the carefree as u know he must take care of the stuffs around... very straight fwd and stable I spse? maybe a typical virgo? feel kinda spoiled actually as a scropio usually have to take in charge of this and that... yet... the chemistry is still missing? (or still too weak?)

hmmmm.... let's see.....