Sunday, May 24, 2009

Movie Review - Angels & Demons

It was more than 5 yrs ago when I first read the book - that was the time when Da Vinci code was a big hit and instead of read Da Vinci Code I chose to read the "pre" book of Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown - Angels and Demons

Previous Da Vinci Code movie was disappointing... and hoping better presentation from Angels and Demons (personally I like Angels and Demons the novel rather than Da Vinci Code. The movie had been on theater for more than a wk, just waiting for vince to join and watch together w/ low dai and yekini. I tried to read the book beforehand but only made it 25% done before the movie yesterday. LOL

From a movie pt of view I think it's a okay movie, full of actions and the visual effect are very good (learn it later that most of the indoor sets are temp. setting and not the real buildings in Vatican City).

However due to the "2.5hr" time constraint there are tons of details missed out from the novel. For those who hasn't read the book probably it would seems "too easy" for Prof. Langdon to solve the murders, but should be "entertaining" enough.

For those who read the books I guess it's not as exciting as reading the book itself. I guess afterall the novel itself has too many details to cover so I guess the director has tried his best to balance between all the details mentioned in the novel and decide what to include in the movie.

Out of a 10 I think I'll give a 7.5 - 8 for this movie la :D later this afternoon will watch Night at the Museum 2. Looking fwd to :D

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