Monday, June 09, 2008

Congratulations, Clement & Debbie~~

Attended Clement & Debbie's wedding today. The 3rd (?) wedding I've attended that was held inside a church (grandson's, vicky's, and now is Clement's)...

well, it's kinda silly for me to go actually - other than clement, ONE of his classmates, and his family (sister, mom).. i practically know NO one there @_@'' in certain degree i think i can't feel as much "happiness" to be shared among the group, yet on the other hand, after all, i've know Clement my dear friend for more than a decade!

and he's so nice to arrange me to sit w/ his LaSalle classmates (haha)... I think one of the interesting things is that surprisingly i DO indeed know quite some different things here and there happened during the good old days...

although truth is we've grow so much apart since we started working, i think both of us treasure each other very much deep down - as we grow up together - at least when we were back in school :P

Really happy for him and Debbie, after all these years, to be united together. Wish them all the best and be the happiest couples ever, with my whole heart! :)