Monday, March 17, 2008

Edmond X Ronald - with the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra

It has been quite some time since i went to last concert in the Hong Kong Coliseum...

Tonite went to the one w/ Edmond and Ronald. Both of them are my favorites (okay, i like edmond more) haha... and so was quite excited for this...

i think the overall of the concert is nice. Personally like the 2nd half > 1st half as it sounds more like the thing i expected (pop cross over w/ orchestra), while i don't like the heavy electric guitar by joey tang in the first half (it just somehow doesn't fit!) But maybe as my friend said the orchestra probably doesn't have enough time for rehearsal for this 3 nites event or sth so need the electric guitar and modern band to "cover up" for the first half (who knows). Anyhow, 2nd half is great. Personally LOVE 艦隊, 好朋友, 纏綿遊戲, 披頭四, which i think is well mixed w/ the orchestra....

(ops, i can't really remember which one from Ronald's is good XDDDD)

I think i should go to more Orchestra.. very nice (and feel peaceful) to listen in live....

P.S. wonder if they'll get the DVD out?


Uarzen said...

我淨係想問...乜鄭中基 set 個咁嘅頭影 poster 呀!? 我覺得好搞笑囉... 定係家陣 HK 興?

Jasper222 said...

i think it's ugly too... i'm sure his hair stylist play him la kakakakakakkakaa

P.S. thinking of changing hair style? hahahahahah