Wednesday, March 02, 2011

On Ekin 鄭伊健...

朋友仔一路都係伊麵忠實 fans,我就一般囉,係記得喺 Purdue 時都有喺 YesAsia 買咗依隻 CD (當時好奢侈o架!) :D

so i don't think other than this one i've listen to his songs particularly (i don't really recall anyway) - well, i mean, not until last year I just realize (and surprised!) i know pretty much all of his songs when I went to his concert (and thanks for 朋友仔 ticket!)

So this year i initiate to go to his concert - and i think my FIRST time to buy the most $$ ticket - not even Leon!!! LOL! I think the part that engaged me a lot is that most of his songs are those "fairy tale" love stories, songs' name like 感激我遇見, 一生愛你一個, 誰可情深如我,你狠心來傷我嗎, 仍能情深愛上, 有你便有我, 一個為你甘去蹈火海的人, 直至消失天與地, 友情歲月, 同一秒,發現, Together.... (just to name a few)… Just the songs' names alone can write up a love story (more than a love letter!) Not to mention, melody of those old days songs are very "my cup of tea"... :P

咁我算唔算係伊麵粉絲? XDDDD

On the same token, 如果有個男仔對住你唱/點唱以上事但一首歌俾你都 easily冧死啦!!(I mean, 邊個女仔都會 rite? Unless she REALLY hates Ekin)


Very much look forward to the concert this Sat… (Row 12!) hahaha…

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