Sunday, April 26, 2009

古巨基 Eye Fever 演唱會2009

it has been a busy week - well, work as stressful as usual, but apart from work this wk's "after work's slots" are also fully booked! (LOL)

So Friday went to Leo's concert - just like its name "eye fever", its visual effect is VERY GOOD, the stage design, lasers / light, concert "composition" are all very creative and one can feel the "heart" of the production crews. (however the 3D is a bit disappointing la! not sure if it's b/c i sat allllllllll the way up on the LAST row?)

Anyway, in general it's an entertaining concert. Leo's live quality is great, the only thing is that if he can sing MORE of HIS OWN songs, and less "爛"gag it'll be more "music" lor :P

oh, a little accident during our concert night:

古巨基前晚在紅館舉行「古巨基 EYE FEVER 2009」第二場,他穿上聲控衫與歌迷大合唱 《友共情》一曲時,其右邊腋下突然有白煙冒出,基仔即時大叫:「弊啦,着火呀。」但工作人員以為基仔說笑,基仔便再次求救:「嚟真㗎,有冇工作人員呀。」隨後三位工作人員立即衝上台為基仔處理衫內的零件,據知由於零件過熱導致出煙 。

此時基仔以爛gag 打圓場並說:「做歌手不論遇到乜嘢事都要繼續唱,我冇事,可能返去冲凉會發現胸口會有兩撻地方深色咗。」基仔前晚請來鄧紫棋(G.E.M)擔任嘉賓,二人在台上互問IQ題 。

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

guess he tried hard to be entertaining. i agreed - i think he can just perform one or two more songs than trying to entertaining the audience via script. - WittyBB