Friday, April 14, 2006

Movies Review - Oldies...

In the last week or so TVB rerun some of the old movies after the midnite finance news (as part of the "celebration" of HK Oscar's 25th anniversary)... not every single one of them is my favorite, yet these 2 are on the "wish-list"

1. 秋天的童話 (1987)(周潤發、鍾楚紅主演) - i can't believe i was only TEN when this first come out?! All I can remember is probably from one of their reruns?! anyway, actually before i rewatch this the other nite i only recall this is one of those famous "romantic" story between 船頭尺 & 十三妹... (and of course, the famous "茶煲" starts by Chow in this movie)

hmm.. maybe it's b/c it's really a LONG time ago?! those so called "romantic / touching" scene doesn't seem that touching anymore. I feel bad to say, but many are just plain reality - and just kept thinking that Mr. XYZ or Ms. ABC I knew in my years in US had worse happened to them...

just don't feel "dramatic" at all?!?@ or is it b/c I've been in US??? or I've lost the so called "dreams" and stop believe in them? hmmmmmm a bit "disappointed" indeed.

2. 金枝玉葉 (1994) - (張國榮、袁詠儀主演) - i remember I've watched this many times - ha, # of times are probably just behind Forrest Gump. Anyway, for some reason i still like this movie a lot - in contrast this story is so not real - but the touching parts still remain touchy :) and maybe w/ the help of the theme song "追" by Leslie - I'm really getting old.... usually when i listen to the music i can recall the first time i hear the song - but i don't remember what exactly i was doing - and i LOVE this song (i know I've bring this CD w/ me when i return to HK)...

A mixed feeling when watching this again...

Anyway, the past is the past, we can't look back all the times, but still okay to "retouch" it once in awhile I guess. I'm glad I stayed up and watched it again.

Where / What were you doing when the above first shown on the big screen?


Anonymous said...

秋天的童話 - one of my all time favorites. I believe I had watched it six or seven times already, and I will watch it again on any given day.

I watched this movie in HK when it was first released in theatre, very memorable. Hmmm...summer of 1987, I'd just finished my 3rd year in college and was working at the MTRC HQ in Kowloon Bay as an intern earning HK$1,500 per month. This movie brought back lots of old memories...both good and bad. 1987 was a good year for Lesile Cheung, his album Summer Romance and the classic song 無心睡眠 topped the chart in 1987. Yeah, the 80's were the golden years for HK movies, and most of my HK DVD movie collections were from this decade.

Jasper222 said...

so u're class of 88 - hey you should be ~ Charles Mok's era (PCHK president now).... hehehehe

anyway... frankly speaking i'm a bit too young for the 80's (wakakakkaka)... but i do remember 秋天的童話... :P However, I believe different movie meant for different ppl - has to associate w/ what one's is experience gae :)

I watched Forrest Gump when i was staying in Boise.... ha, probably the time that i'm "close" to the US culture the most...

anyway... u should come back to HK and "add" more to your HK DVD movie collection la :) nowadays it's quite affordable ;)