Thursday, April 27, 2006

Tense up... (well, a bit) :P

This wk is EXTREMELY busy (or i'm extremely lazy)! hahaha.. ANYWAY, so much looking forward to the LONG WEEKEND coming up.....

other than the tremendous work load (mostly also b/c spent the whole wk last wk in Shanghai)... anyway, on top of that there's an additional "task" - organizing the upcoming Purdue's dinner @_@''

well, although it's still like a month away, the thing is, usually i don't have to "take the lead" - the club's president & the rest of the "senior" core members usually take care most of the stuffs - but it just happened that 2 of the major guys are out of town at the time being - AND it just happen i'll be in town these days - so i "kinda" take the lead - i still put "kinda" b/c i'm not too confident of doing the same - i mean, okay, i have no problem doing it for primary schoolmates' gathering - as i know EVERYONE of them (in person) so it's "easier" for me to call them up..

but Purdue's alumni - when one going down the list and see ppl are from Class of like 1960's, 70's (my gosh, before I born).. @_@;; hmm.. really hesitate to call and contact them! i'm afraid they would think i'm some kinda sales V_V;; i mean, most of these ppl are BIG ppl - i don't wanna show my "foreign face" (yeung sheung) in front of them


*ha, like i don't really dare to call up anyone w/ some of the BIG last name, if u know what i mean*

hmm... i know it'll be a good experience - and come w/ LOTS of work - i'm just afraid i can't handle it good - AND PROPERLY - and that it'd ruin the whole thing

getting tense... v.v'


Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Trip to BALI (end June)~~~~~~

okay okay, finally i've decided and actually PLANNING to go visit my DEAR FRIEND in Bali!!!! :D i'm sooo excited now (ham, the truth is that i haven't even SET the DATE!) wakkakakakakaa..

Can't wait to see him... (well, the tentative plan is only a wkend, but still! :)))) cross my fingers that the trip will be ACTUAL (and not blow water one)


Thursday, April 20, 2006

So I'm here in Tianjin...

Super Tired.... and my gosh, this is only the first day of the exhibition.... just can foresee a lot busier tmr.........

The only good thing is - i got the BIG room ALL by MYSELF (and BIG BED - 6X6!!!) WAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKA

P.S. i should have work on my meeting material / presentation for Sat - oh well, what the heck, i just need a few couple hrs to spend w/ Mr. Chow :P

P.P.S. Interesting Fact: I can post my blog in China - but couldn't access to my own blog (i think the domain got block in China)... :P

Friday, April 14, 2006

Movies Review - Oldies...

In the last week or so TVB rerun some of the old movies after the midnite finance news (as part of the "celebration" of HK Oscar's 25th anniversary)... not every single one of them is my favorite, yet these 2 are on the "wish-list"

1. 秋天的童話 (1987)(周潤發、鍾楚紅主演) - i can't believe i was only TEN when this first come out?! All I can remember is probably from one of their reruns?! anyway, actually before i rewatch this the other nite i only recall this is one of those famous "romantic" story between 船頭尺 & 十三妹... (and of course, the famous "茶煲" starts by Chow in this movie)

hmm.. maybe it's b/c it's really a LONG time ago?! those so called "romantic / touching" scene doesn't seem that touching anymore. I feel bad to say, but many are just plain reality - and just kept thinking that Mr. XYZ or Ms. ABC I knew in my years in US had worse happened to them...

just don't feel "dramatic" at all?!?@ or is it b/c I've been in US??? or I've lost the so called "dreams" and stop believe in them? hmmmmmm a bit "disappointed" indeed.

2. 金枝玉葉 (1994) - (張國榮、袁詠儀主演) - i remember I've watched this many times - ha, # of times are probably just behind Forrest Gump. Anyway, for some reason i still like this movie a lot - in contrast this story is so not real - but the touching parts still remain touchy :) and maybe w/ the help of the theme song "追" by Leslie - I'm really getting old.... usually when i listen to the music i can recall the first time i hear the song - but i don't remember what exactly i was doing - and i LOVE this song (i know I've bring this CD w/ me when i return to HK)...

A mixed feeling when watching this again...

Anyway, the past is the past, we can't look back all the times, but still okay to "retouch" it once in awhile I guess. I'm glad I stayed up and watched it again.

Where / What were you doing when the above first shown on the big screen?

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

FW: Cathy: 聽話的朋友-3

失眠 lately.. but of course not exactly the below case - but isn't that happen to every one of us - in one or other point of our life?!?


Sunday, April 02, 2006

Something Small, Something Fun, Something Practical & Something Last - Wedding Gift for my Grandson...

My "grandson's" wedding is tomorrow! (actually today - april 2)... it's really a headache when it comes to getting wedding gift for close friend - the one i really have done was for Low dai - but he's a bit "okay-er" - b/c he's very "gin" ma! wakakakakakkakakaa... (and also, doesn't have to be "too much" for low dai's gift as i also do "yan ching" at the same time)... but this time, my "grandson" woh! wakakkaka.. just can't be too "outrages / ridiculous" as I'm the "elder" ma! hahaha... besides, he's not going to have any wedding dinner... so a bit headache....

So i have been out for shopping for the WHOLE SAT AFTERNOON today my gosh! i can't remember when was the last time i shopped like this - in terms of both $, time & energy! hahaa.. MAYBE x'mas shopping?! XD

well, i still think the bath set i got for Low Dai from Fruit & Passion is GOOD... so started that as the base (at the beginning I was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO disappointed when I found their shop in Times Square was CLOSED!!) i was almost to give up but then maybe it's "fate"!? just found it in World Trade Center by accident! haha!

I also wanna buy something from Swarovski - nice and last - but nothing really really catch my eyes (okay, the wine glasses, or the pict frame "scarlet" are very nice - but a bit too "hong" and OUT of my budget la.... their candle holder is nice too but then charles said he and kitty doesn't use candle at home @_@;; hmmmm)

Gift Basket Gift Basket... with Something Small, Something Fun, Something Practical and something that can last a bit longer...

So this is what i've came up with - after ... 5 hrs in CWB! :P

1. Something Small - "Sweet" "Sour" "Bitter" & "Spicy" - 1st two symbolized by mixed Japanese candies, 3rd is Cova chocolate & wasabi biscuit, 4th is 2 small bottles of Tabasco (hahaha)

2. Something Fun - 7 types of Bath Salt from Franc Franc - just think kinda funny

3. Something Practical - ha, may not be as "practical" as one may think, but hey, at least the new couple can use the bubble bath / massage oil / insance / gift set together! that's the bath set i was referring earlier from Fruit & Passion

4. Something that can last a bit longer - 4 small heart shape crystal magnets from Swarovski - just after item 1 to 3 are "finished," the couple still have something to remind them their grandma did give them something during their wedding :)

Actually the couple has stated in their wedding invitation that they don't have a wish list or sth.... that's why i wanna give it to them before the wedding (not that i've enough time), but then my dear grandson fly me aeroplane twice @_@; so no chance to give these to the couple in advance - hmm.. i just hope they'll like the gift la.....