Friday, October 14, 2005

k Marathon...

Just finished my "mini-concert" - yeah, couldn't go to LEON's TONITE - so have my OWN show instead *ROFL*....

went to sing k w/ Paul Son for THREE and a HALF HRS - OH MY GOSH~ i really CAN'T REMEMBER when was the last time for such a LONG MARATHON of karaoke! we were SO SURPRISED that they don't have a TIME LIMIT tonite (maybe b/c it's wkday?!) usually they "kick you out" after 2 hrs you check in.... and we SANG SOOOOOOOOOO many songs!!!


Singing k is surely a GREAT way to RELAX - totally forget about whatever/whoever pissed me off sooo bad earlier today at work... oh well, i guess it's just part of life - and that one of the many ways to get rid of the stress from work - another GOOD thing of staying & working here in HK

another reason to go sing k is that biz travels are kicking in.. likely to have less chance for crazy marathon like this in the next month or so! :(

The good thing is - before all the biz trips, "concerts marathon" will start this Sat! Yippee!

materialistic I'm, maybe - but then i'm a happy girl - so why not?! XD

*oh no... my throat starts to hurt* >.<


Dan^2InHim said...

Take care la, "k girl". Glad that you had a good time. I haven't sung k at a k box for quite a while. People here don't like to go out for k. Rather, they sing k at home.

WittyBB said...

I envy you ... have fun watching the concerts! ;)