Friday, December 24, 2004

Silent Night... Holy Night....

Looking forward for a peaceful Christmas Eve....

Thursday, December 23, 2004

2 days before Christmas...

Felt more like Christmas at the beginning of the month than now - I guess because I was pretty much 'stuck' with the fact that I've to finish the x'mas shopping before 1st wk of Dec (in order to send them out on time)....

after that I went off biz trip to China for a wk, and was terrible at work since then... getting frustrated, tired, and bored of the monotone in life in general...

Felt lonely, I guess, when holiday season comes - I think what I meant is for this year. This is my 4th x'mas since I came back, but unlike the last past few yrs, this yr will truly be "by myself" :(
feel blue...

Oh well, "that's life" one would say.

I still remember last x'mas. ha, was "insane" to get up EARLY for hiking in Lamma Island XDDD I still remember I stayed up until VERY LATE to look for "maps" on the internet the night b4 - like we'll really going to GET LOST in this small island XDDDD We also found some "nice" BBQ place by the beach... nice "Tofu Flower"... and high tea at the Peak....

don't know what was in our minds but sure it was fun...

I hope weather will be nice this Sunday like last year so I can "explore" more new fun places with different route on this small island - such that we can go together next time - maybe even BBQ as well!

Merry Christmas~~~

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

大細 Joe...

只要你搵到一個願意接受你,無條件去愛你人,咁就 Bingo啦!

~ 大 Joe (倪震 - 商台903 絕情谷節錄)
Dec 13, 2004 - Monday/Tuesday

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Wedding Annoucement...

近排喜事洋洋,先飲完老大果餐,轉過頭o係過去兩日再收到兩宗喜訊,both are from St. Michael's 同學,好好好登佢開心 :)

首先係在加州的 Connie... 唔講唔覺原來有成 8 年無見!! 感覺首先係好 surprise呀! 話晒都係成班小學同學中第一個 officially announcing his/her wedding news!! Although I haven't contact Connie for a long time, but I still feel very happy for her. It is a blessing to be able to read the webpage of the new couple's story. I'm very grateful to still keep in touch with all these life long friends :)

The other one... 哈,暫時唔講得住 (等佢自己 Official announce 先啦),但當佢初初電郵通知我時我都覺得似是而非 (hahahaha.. it's his style!) 佢一直給我的感覺是那種吊兒郎當,玩世不恭,不太正經的人,玩得好顛好顛那種,根本想也想不到他會有日 settle down and start a family!!! (真想識下準新娘見識一下佢本領!) hahhaa.. 不過剛剛跟他傾過電話 and confirmed 時真係從心底裏登佢開心!

電話中講好多好多 details, 彷彿要係從金鐘搭地鐵回家短短的廾多分鐘車程內 update 晒所有所有 details (hahaha.. 好似問犯咁!) hahahhahaa.. 也忘記了上一次跟他傾得那麼暢快是何時!!!

雖然未必跟往日那樣 close, 已經各有各生活,不過聽到佢婚訊,真的真的 very very happy for him! ;)

佢話怕派帖俾我 (小學同學) 可能有些人會感到"被屈"... 其實好傻,其實真的是從心底裏感到榮幸!! (yeah, maybe a bit 老土, but at least me I do feel very proud to be invited!)

I never felt Wedding Announcement is so welcome - ha, maybe because I'm getting old and appreciate things like these more and more!?