可惜自己不力,一直未能execute 這個 proposal(MBA 嘅能耐就係..得個講字... haha)
不過今日終於有屬於香港嘅 Purdue Scholarship for HK students - 雖然好慚愧我並沒有參與落實嘅過程,不過令我再次領略 - once reach a bottleneck, i really need to reach out and you never know your bottleneck will not be a hurdle to some one who can help and able to extend their support...
成日有人問我點解咁"愛" 學校, 我諗係因為除咗我achieve my first life achievement as an "Engineer", 識到一班我好value嘅同學之外, 亦好慶幸能夠有一班好好嘅前輩普渡 for me to look up to, and 不斷給我機會認識一班好熱血(亦好能幹嘅)師弟師妹。這個『Purdue family』 真的令我更 proud of who i am as one of the Boilers
反思。。。係咪時候step down for someone who can do more (execute and more constructive) for the Purdue Club Hong Kong?