anyway, tmr's problem will let it be there for tmr to solve!

and so today i took the day off from work and stayed at home... nothing really special - just not feeling the smoothest day:
- planned to go buy Lam Dog's show's tickets - but instead of City Line they only sell the tickets in Tom Lee - and the "new system" is so screwed up that even after an hr since the ticket started selling it sold less than 10 tickets - and there's more than 40 ppl in front of me!? FORGET IT! so wasted a chance to sleep in - and wasted an hr lining in line
- planned to go renew my passport (almost used up) - something my ex-boss likes to do: date of issue = date of birthday - unfortunately i "me me mou mou" at home and didn't reach there until 17:00 - and actually it closed at 16:30
oh well, so maybe just go tmr instead - planned to go pick up my grades - but only realize i was in the wrong building when i'm there - so no problem, just spent another $3.4 to take the bus loh
oh well, anyway, so after that all things are "okay" other then the above i suppose? got the free phone from credit card welcome gift (w/o too much hurdle, good!), and went karaoke + dinner with mom, man cher & thomas (yeah, my first ever k w/ mom!) hahaha it's alright, i mean, okay la
Thanks for dinner from eating buddy about 2 wks ago (haha), last nite shanghaiese dinner from yekini & big den, and tonite from man cher & thomas, not to mention mom's "pig" jade :P, ceci & andy's gift from Banana Republic , yekini's writing thing (have no clue what it called!) hahaha, of course also wittybb's call, and the SMS msgs from Gerry, Shirley, ah Goh (too bad he couldn't make it to k, hope his dad is okay), Pranay, Casey & Captain. Surprised to get an email from Anf too (haha), and last but not least, my angel girl Genny from Boise :)
it's a happy one
tomorrow (Nov. 15) will go out hh & hot pot dinner w/ ex-ASAT ppl - well, Fei Chai is back so all 3 of us (Fei chai, captain & me) the scropio team will have a group celebration gathering (okay, it's just another "excuse" to get together - but how rare to find THREE person to be in the SAME dept and have birthday WITHIN THE SAME WK!? :) it's cool to get together w/ the gangs from time to time anyway~~~ hehehee
I think that pretty much detailed all things happened this yr - when you've time you can chk out what i've done in the last few yrs keke
P.S. 1 more "weird" thing for the day - pisces just asked me he doesn't understand "why in the world ppl have to say "happy birthday" to others?!?!? NOT ONLY he hasn't say the same to me, BUT ALSO didn't even agree to say it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(but then i think again i've so many ppl cares about me i shouldn't be bothered by this jerk anymore!) ALL PISCES are nuts!!